Here at Splendour we’re fully committed to ensuring disabled customers can enjoy our event.

Accessible Parking / Drop Off

An Accessible Car Park and Drop Off is located off the main driveway to Wollaton Hall, from Lime Tree Avenue which is available to all blue badge holding festival goers. The parking is on gravel – however the route from the driveway to the Accessible Entry Gate is tarmac. The Accessible Car Park is roughly 120m from the Accessible Entry Gate.

At the end of the event, the driveway will be busy with pedestrians exiting the event. Please be aware that it may take a while to get out of the site following the end of the festival.

Public Transport

Those travelling by public transport can catch a bus leaving the Victoria Centre or Upper Parliament Street in Nottingham city centre every 15 minutes from midday. These buses, marked ‘Wollaton Park – special event’ are in addition to the normal Wollaton bound 30 service from the same stops. Shuttle buses will be taking festival goers back into the city centre from 9.30pm onwards every few minutes. NCT group rider ticket £5.00 valid for unlimited travel on day of purchase on the City bus network. Valid for a group of up to five people (minimum 1 adult, maximum 2 adults). Trent Barton – the two bus service also runs between Wollaton and Nottingham city centre

Below you will find all the accessibility you should need about the festival. You can also download this as a word document here or a PDF here.

If you have any further questions regarding accessibility at Splendour then please don’t hesitate to get in touch using the details below.

Phone: 0115 896 4456
Postal: Splendour Accessibility, DHP Family, St Mary's School, Plumptre Pl, Nottingham NG1 1LW

If writing to us by email or post then we’ll aim to get back to you within 5 working days.

The event is held at Wollaton Park, Nottingham. The main arena is on a sloping, green-field site. The Main stage, Confetti stage and Fringe stage all stand on grass areas and do not have access via hard-standing pathways. The Courtyard stage and Comedy stage are both on tarmac and can be accessed via tarmac pathways.

Weather and ground conditions may be variable, with heavy rain the ground can become muddy and difficult to navigate.

A site map can be found here which details the location of the stages. The maximum distance you’ll need to travel across site is 500m (from the access car park to the Main stage).

Arriving on site

There is a dedicated Accessible Entry Gate on level tarmac surface at the top of the driveway, operated by stewards that will allow access to the site. Once you arrive on site please head to this gate with your tickets, where a steward will exchange these for a wristband. The gate is located to the right hand side of the main queuing lanes and will be clearly signposted.

Companion tickets are available for all adults, please book your tickets as normal and email proof of eligibility along with your reference number to to receive a companion ticket. Companion tickets are not allocated to parent/guardians of children aged 17 and under, as all children under 17 attending Splendour Festival must be accompanied by a responsible adult/carer. Any of the below are accepted and in addition, we will review an application without these forms on a case-by-case basis.

  • Front page of DLA / PIP
  • Front page of Attendance Allowance letter
  • Evidence that registered visually impaired
  • Recognised Assistance Dog ID card


Once your documents have been received, we will email you back within 5 working days to confirm approval.

Dedicated accessible viewing platforms will be provided at the Main Stage and Confetti Stage. The viewing platforms are elevated and enclosed with a hand railing and can be accessed via ramps.

The viewing platforms will be stewarded to ensure correct use. Platforms will have some seating for use by a friend or essential companion of the platform user, each guest with disabilities will be entitled to have one friend or personal assistant accompany them on the viewing platform. Space is also available adjacent to the platform. Please note that viewing platforms are not under cover.

There will be at least one temporary Accessible Toilet in each on site toilet block, one by the Main Stage viewing platform and near the Accessible car park. There is also an existing Accessible Toilet in the Courtyard of the Nottingham Industrial Museum building and a changing place facility. All Accessible toilets are marked on the festival map which will be available the week prior to the event from this page.

First Aid and Paramedic services will be on site should you require any medical assistance. These are located by the Courtyard Bar & Café and can be viewed on the festival map here.

Our fridge storage policy is that we can store temperature sensitive medicines in one of the on-site ambulances. On arrival to site please ask at the Welfare Point for directions to the nearest on site ambulance, who will be able to store these for you.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to a medical need then please don’t hesitate to contact us on

There is some seating across the site – however this is limited seating in the festival arena, and within the food court area only. We recommend that if seating is compulsory to your enjoyment of the event, then please bring it with you. Chairs and blankets are allowed, but not permitted between the stage and mixing desk and may be requested to be moved by the organisers if space is limited.

At this time we don’t currently offer any access services for performances.

Please be advised that some artists may use strobe lighting.

Useful Information







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